June 25, 2024

Cut out data entry with Smart Products

Scannable exists to make working at height safer. 

Until now, it has been difficult to accurately make informed decisions about safety equipment. 

Scannable is forging a path to PPE that is easy to use, easy to track, easy to manage, and easy to get the information needed to make smart, informed decisions—because informed decisions mean staying safer at work.

We’ve already helped many of you to step away from your spreadsheets and save time with your equipment management, but now we’re levelling up.

We know there’s a gap between the information that an equipment manufacturer has about the equipment they produce and the information that trickles down the line to the equipment user.

We see a world where every item of equipment is connected to its specifications and data, streamlining the management of equipment throughout its lifetime.

We believe that the key to making equipment management easy-yet-comprehensive for arborists, rope access technicians, rescue teams and other people who work at height starts by working with the brands and manufacturers to make safety equipment ‘Smart’—before it even leaves the factory.

Introducing Smart Products

We are helping equipment manufacturers to bridge the gap between equipment data and the equipment user by connecting the relevant technical and compliance data and documents to the serial number of every item, so that users have access to the individual identifier of the item (serial) and all the compliance data—at the tap of a phone.

Rope Logic terminations feature a data matrix (similar to a QR code), making it easy to manage your Rope Logic equipment with your phone.

What does that mean?

In a nutshell, using Smart Products is the easiest way to cut out data entry and get information about your equipment straight to your fingertips.

Smart Products come loaded with the serial, batch and part numbers, date of manufacture, expiry date, plus all of the product’s data and documents.

All you need to do is scan the NFC tag or QR code on your Smart Product, view the product with its information already loaded, and add the item to your inventory.

Easy! You can now start to manage your item, record inspection results, and more.

The item’s unique information and product data is already entered in Scannable so just enter the date of first use, and you’re good to start managing your item throughout its lifecycle. 

KiwiKlimbers Spikesender with Scannable QR Code. Take a look at a Spikesender on Scannable here.

We’re really proud to be partnering with these leading manufacturers to help make their products Smart: 

And, we’ve got some really exciting partnerships in the works too - make sure you keep an eye on our Instagram and the Smart Products page to find out the latest manufacturers to take up the baton and join the fight against data entry! 






Rope Logic



What’s the difference between a Smart Product and a product that comes with an NFC tag, QR code, or other scannable technology?

There is a lot of scannable technology in the marketplace already. 

Petzl has their data matrix (that grey rectangle on every item), which is simply a code that represents the serial number. 

While Petzl's data matrix is scannable, it is not connected to any product data.

When scanned, this auto-populates the serial number into a spreadsheet or other software, saving you time and preventing user error when typing the serial number into your software.

While this does save you time, the product information isn’t connected to the serial. 

Scannable’s equipment database does a lot of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to specifications and documents, but you still need to associate the serial number with the item, and enter the date of manufacture, batch number, and other specifics about the item. 

Why Scannable?

Using Scannable means that you don’t have to choose one brand for your equipment needs. 

You can choose Smart Products from any manufacturer, or products that don’t have the data connected, and you can still have ultimate consistency. 

You can buy any manufacturer’s equipment and still have a system that interacts with that equipment. 

A Scannable NFC Tag sewn into the Notch Armorflex II Chainsaw Pants, and its connected information.


Choosing Smart Products means that you can get all of this information at the tap of your phone, with or without the Scannable app:

  • Serial number
  • Batch and part numbers
  • Date of manufacture (no more calculating the date using the Julian calendar - woop!)
  • Expiry date
  • Images
  • PDF Documents - User Instructions, Declarations of Conformity etc
  • Specifications
  • Youtube videos

All you need to do is add the item to your inventory to start managing it across its lifespan - all the data entry is done for you!

STREP have connected their equipment data with Scannable. NFC tags sewn in at manufacture make it easy for you to get the info you need about your equipment at the tap of a phone.

Scannable exists to make working at height safer. 

Until now, it has been difficult to accurately make informed decisions about safety equipment. 

Scannable is forging a path to PPE that is easy to use, easy to track, easy to manage, and easy to get the information needed to make smart, informed decisions—because informed decisions mean staying safer at work.

We’ve already helped many of you to step away from your spreadsheets and save time with your equipment management, but now we’re levelling up.

We know there’s a gap between the information that an equipment manufacturer has about the equipment they produce and the information that trickles down the line to the equipment user.

We see a world where every item of equipment is connected to its specifications and data, streamlining the management of equipment throughout its lifetime.

We believe that the key to making equipment management easy-yet-comprehensive for arborists, rope access technicians, rescue teams and other people who work at height starts by working with the brands and manufacturers to make safety equipment ‘Smart’—before it even leaves the factory.

Introducing Smart Products

We are helping equipment manufacturers to bridge the gap between equipment data and the equipment user by connecting the relevant technical and compliance data and documents to the serial number of every item, so that users have access to the individual identifier of the item (serial) and all the compliance data—at the tap of a phone.

Rope Logic terminations feature a data matrix (similar to a QR code), making it easy to manage your Rope Logic equipment with your phone.

What does that mean?

In a nutshell, using Smart Products is the easiest way to cut out data entry and get information about your equipment straight to your fingertips.

Smart Products come loaded with the serial, batch and part numbers, date of manufacture, expiry date, plus all of the product’s data and documents.

All you need to do is scan the NFC tag or QR code on your Smart Product, view the product with its information already loaded, and add the item to your inventory.

Easy! You can now start to manage your item, record inspection results, and more.

The item’s unique information and product data is already entered in Scannable so just enter the date of first use, and you’re good to start managing your item throughout its lifecycle. 

KiwiKlimbers Spikesender with Scannable QR Code. Take a look at a Spikesender on Scannable here.

We’re really proud to be partnering with these leading manufacturers to help make their products Smart: 

And, we’ve got some really exciting partnerships in the works too - make sure you keep an eye on our Instagram and the Smart Products page to find out the latest manufacturers to take up the baton and join the fight against data entry! 






Rope Logic



What’s the difference between a Smart Product and a product that comes with an NFC tag, QR code, or other scannable technology?

There is a lot of scannable technology in the marketplace already. 

Petzl has their data matrix (that grey rectangle on every item), which is simply a code that represents the serial number. 

While Petzl's data matrix is scannable, it is not connected to any product data.

When scanned, this auto-populates the serial number into a spreadsheet or other software, saving you time and preventing user error when typing the serial number into your software.

While this does save you time, the product information isn’t connected to the serial. 

Scannable’s equipment database does a lot of the heavy lifting for you when it comes to specifications and documents, but you still need to associate the serial number with the item, and enter the date of manufacture, batch number, and other specifics about the item. 

Why Scannable?

Using Scannable means that you don’t have to choose one brand for your equipment needs. 

You can choose Smart Products from any manufacturer, or products that don’t have the data connected, and you can still have ultimate consistency. 

You can buy any manufacturer’s equipment and still have a system that interacts with that equipment. 

A Scannable NFC Tag sewn into the Notch Armorflex II Chainsaw Pants, and its connected information.


Choosing Smart Products means that you can get all of this information at the tap of your phone, with or without the Scannable app:

  • Serial number
  • Batch and part numbers
  • Date of manufacture (no more calculating the date using the Julian calendar - woop!)
  • Expiry date
  • Images
  • PDF Documents - User Instructions, Declarations of Conformity etc
  • Specifications
  • Youtube videos

All you need to do is add the item to your inventory to start managing it across its lifespan - all the data entry is done for you!

STREP have connected their equipment data with Scannable. NFC tags sewn in at manufacture make it easy for you to get the info you need about your equipment at the tap of a phone.