
Get up-to-date equipment data instantly with Smart Products from Hexarope

Hexarope are making every rope they supply Smart, with Scannable. Scannable makes equipment management easy for PPE owners by giving equipment manufacturers the tools to deliver their product’s up-to-date technical data and documentation straight into the hands of the end user.

Manufacturer profile

Date joined Scannable:
December 2024

Hexarope was founded with a passion that spans the vertical world and innovation, bringing them together to offer cutting-edge solutions for the height safety world. 

Hexarope provides custom stitching and splicing in their workshop, and will happily tailor a solution to all of your technical rope needs.

Hexarope are making every rope they supply Smart. Get your Hexarope Smart Products at their online store now. 

Smart ropes from Hexarope. Get all the information you need about the rope including its batch number simply by tapping your phone against the rope label.
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equipment with Scannable.
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