
Get up-to-date equipment data instantly with Smart Products from Notch

Scannable makes equipment management easy for PPE owners by giving equipment manufacturers the tools to deliver their product’s up-to-date technical data and documentation straight into the hands of the end user.

Manufacturer profile

Date joined Scannable:
May 2023

Notch Equipment builds high performance products that allow arborists to work safely and efficiently whether in the canopy or on the job site. We work tirelessly to enable safe and proper care of trees, through quality professional arbor products. All our designs go through a rigorous R & D process which starts and ends with real-world testing by the most demanding professional arborists. Notch Equipment takes pride in its more than 350 combined years of team experience in the tree care industry. Based in Greensboro, NC, the Notch team is passionately dedicated to helping customers become more successful in their work and outdoor lives.

A Scannable NFC Tag sewn into the Notch Armorflex II Chainsaw Pants
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