
Get up-to-date equipment data instantly with Smart Products from STREP

Scannable makes equipment management easy for PPE owners by giving equipment manufacturers the tools to deliver their product’s up-to-date technical data and documentation straight into the hands of the end user.

Manufacturer profile

Date joined Scannable:
December 2023

A ROPE’S BEST FRIEND Protect your ropes because your life or the lives of others depend on them. With Static Rope Edge Protection (STREP®), you can rest easy knowing that your ropes — regardless of application — will withstand any abrasive material the world throws your way. Constructed using the same proprietary nylon weave that is used in Chafe-Pro®’s Commercial Series, the STREP® system is designed to withstand sharp angles and abrasive surfaces and protect the static line contained within.

STREP have connected their equipment data with Scannable. NFC tags sewn in at manufacture make it easy for you to get the info you need about your equipment at the tap of a phone
Easily manage
equipment with Scannable.
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